Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First race!

Very exciting weekend coming up...I'm racing in the Tucson Bicycle Classic. It's not a focus race for me or the team, but mentally it's a huge race for me for a host of other reasons:
- First race of the year
- First race with Team H&R BLOCK
- First race as a cat 1...I'm racing in the Pro/1 category!

No pressure, though! haha It's my second race in the States, and after a really fun, eye-opening experience (which could also be called "a beating marked by massive disorganization" ;) ) last time, I'm expecting some very fast competition.

I don't expect to have enough time to give a daily blog summary of how it goes, but I'll try tweeting (@lachlanholmes) the results each evening.


Aron said...

Good luck!

n said...

giv 'er